Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crossfit WOD Thursday, Jan 21, 2010

For my WOD today I did a little challenge we came up with. It was Ryan and Justin's idea to do 100 box jumps (30"box) and 100 pullups. I decided to open my trap and add in 100 burpees. Jared and I completed it today.

100 pullups
100 box jumps
100 burpees


I gotta tell you, it was hard. We split them into sets of 10. Now I wish I would have done sets of 20 or possibly 25. I think I spent too much time walking between stations. The good thing is I was able to complete each exercise without taking a break. I might try again next week and do sets of 20 or 25. Jared struggled a bit more because he isn't proficient at kipping pullups. I could easily crank out 10 before he was done with 5. He'll get there.

It was a good day. I've had alot of rest the last week and a half so everything felt good. I have to try and get back into my routine of 3 on 1 off but it all depends upon my schedule

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Heading to Denver for a few days for work.

Monday, January 11, 2010


City league basketball started yesterday. I was amazingly impressed with my fitness from crossfit. Seriously, I was able to go all out for 40 minutes. My recovery time was minimal and needed very few breaks. Unfortunately we lost, but I felt my performance was very good. I need to shoot better but that comes with practice which I haven't done lately.

At CF on Saturday I did Fran for the first time.

95lb Thrusters

My time was 8:10 which I think is pretty good considering I've never done it before. The thrusters were killer. My shoulder strength is a little poor for pushing things overhead.

I'm excited to see how CF relates to my bike races this summer.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Birthday, Christmas, New Year and today

Not much new out West.

I haven't been on a bike in nearly 2 months. There seems to be alot going on. My dad had surgery, baby, daycare, christmas, new years, job, traveling, family, hunting and anything else that could make our lives busier.

New Belgium is sponsoring the Fat Tire festival this year. It's coming in May so get signed up. If you want to come out but don't have a place to stay. Let me know, we have a back yard you can throw your sleeping bag on. If you're nice we might let you come inside.

Have a great weekend.